
Printer driver for Lomond Evojet Office printer

Get your Lomond Evojet printer updated and get the latest printer driver!

Manuals and user guides

Download the instructions and user guides for some specific products. Manuals are in PDF format, you can read them as smoothly on your computer, or you can print them on your computer.

Templates for self adhesive photopapers

Get templates for common software applications for wide range of self adhesive materials.

Templates for photoalbums

Šablóny Lomond pomáhajú vytvárať jedinečné rozloženie fotografií na hárky fotoalbumov, vďaka čomu môžete vytvoriť unikátne fotoalbumy priamo doma.

Šablóny sú určené pre všetky typy fotoalbumov Lomond. Celkovo obsahujú vyše 450 rôznych možností umiestnenia fotografií. Inšpirujte sa uvedenými šablónami.

ICC profiles


XML communication


Download software for various applications that will facilitate and simplify print on your printer.

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 +421 940 527776

Products on sale

Lomond Photo Inkjet Paper Matte 180 g/m2 A4, 50 sheets
Lomond Photo Inkjet Paper Matte 180 g/m2 A4, 50 sheets
on stock discount 15% 
Price (VAT incl.): 7.66 €

Lomond XL Photo Paper Matte CAD&GIS 90 g/m2 1067mm*185m
Lomond XL Photo Paper Matte CAD&GIS 90 g/m2 1067mm*185m
on stock discount 25% 
Price (VAT incl.): 86.47 €

Lomond Fine Art Paper Gallery Linen 230g/m2 A3, 20 sheets, Coarse Natural White
Lomond Fine Art Paper Gallery Linen 230g/m2 A3, 20 sheets, Coarse Natural White
on stock discount 10% 
Price (VAT incl.): 37.79 €

Lomond Photo Inkjet Paper Matte 85 g/m2 A4, 500 sheets, double sided
Lomond Photo Inkjet Paper Matte 85 g/m2 A4, 500 sheets, double sided
on stock discount 50% 
Price (VAT incl.): 6.41 €

Products on sale

New products

Lomond Self-Adhesive Universal Labels, 1/210x297, A4, 50 sheets, lemon neon
Lomond Self-Adhesive Universal Labels, 1/210x297, A4, 50 sheets, lemon neon
new on stock 
Price (VAT incl.): 10.27 €

Lomond Self-Adhesive Universal Labels, 1/210x297, A4, 50 sheets, red neon
Lomond Self-Adhesive Universal Labels, 1/210x297, A4, 50 sheets, red neon
new on stock 
Price (VAT incl.): 10.27 €

Lomond Self-Adhesive Universal Labels, 24/70x37, A4, 1000 sheets
Lomond Self-Adhesive Universal Labels, 24/70x37, A4, 1000 sheets
new on stock 
Price (VAT incl.): 82.27 €

Lomond XL Photo Paper Super Glossy 200 g/m2 155mm*30m
Lomond XL Photo Paper Super Glossy 200 g/m2 155mm*30m
new on stock 
Price (VAT incl.): 23.25 €

all new products

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 +421 940 527776

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